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Unieuro The Farmhouse Culture Guide to
Il libro The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting: Crafting Live-Cultured Foods and Drinks with 100 Recipes from Kimchi to Kombucha [ di Erin vector ] offre una panoramica sul mondo del fermento attraverso la storia, l'etnografia e le pratiche tradizionali. La guida include anche ricette per creare i tuoi fermentationi casalinghi come kimchi, kraut e kombucha.
The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting: Crafting Live-Cultured Foods and Drinks with 100 Recipes from Kimchi to Kombucha is a comprehensive guide to fermenting foods and drinks at home. Written by fermentation expert Kirsten Kish, this book provides step-by-step instructions for fermenting everything from kimchi and sauerkraut to kombucha and kefir. In addition to providing detailed recipes, the book also includes information on the benefits of fermentation, troubleshooting tips, and variations for each recipe. Whether you are new to fermentation or looking to expand your repertoire, The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting has all the information you need to get started.
Il libro The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting: Crafting Live-Cultured Foods and Drinks with 100 Recipes from Kimchi to Kombucha [ di Erin vector ] offre una panoramica sul mondo del fermento attraverso la storia, l'etnografia e le pratiche tradizionali. La guida include anche ricette per creare i tuoi fermentationi casalinghi come kimchi, kraut e kombucha.
Questo libro è una guida pratica per fermentare alimenti e bevande a base di microorganismi viventi. Oltre 100 ricette dal kimchi al kombucha ti insegneranno tutto ciò che serve sapere sulla coltivazione, la preparazione e il consumo di questi nutrienti-densi supercibi. La guida include anche informazioni dettagliate sulle diverse varietà di microorganismi viventi e come utilizzarle per ottenere i miglioric risultati nella fermentazione.
The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting: Crafting Live-Cultured Foods and Drinks with 100 Recipes from Kimchi to Kombucha is a comprehensive guide to fermenting foods and drinks at home. Written by fermentation expert Kirsten Kish, this book provides step-by-step instructions for fermenting everything from kimchi and sauerkraut to kombucha and kefir. In addition to providing detailed recipes, the book also includes information on the benefits of fermentation, troubleshooting tips, and variations for each recipe. Whether you are new to fermentation or looking to expand your repertoire, The Farmhouse Culture Guide to Fermenting has all the information you need to get started.
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